Accidents and Illness at the School
- In the case of minor accidents or illness students will be attended to at the Office and Sick Bay.
- In more serious cases parents or emergency contacts will be notified .
- An ambulance may be called if deemed necessary .
- All steps will be taken to ensure the well being of all students.
- We are a NUT & KIWI FRUIT FREE school due to students who suffer severe allergic (anaphylactic) reactions to such foods.
- Morning, Recess and Lunch: students line-up in class lines in the quadrangle area.
- Weekly K-2 and 3-6 assemblies to showcase school activities.
- Special whole school assemblies are held each term.
Attendance at School
- Children are required by law to attend school each day that it is open. Should your child be absent for any reason, a written explanation, signed by the parent or carer must be provided for school record purposes upon the child's return.
- In the case of absences due to an infectious disease the school needs to be notified immediately.
- For an absence of 15 days or longer, other than due to illness, approval must be sought from the Principal prior to absence.
- If you have a need to bring your child to school after 9:20 or withdraw him/her before 3:20 you are required to report to the Office to complete an Early Departure or Late Arrival note. A copy of this note will be forwarded to the class teacher.
Banking - Student
- The school provides a banking service for all students every Tuesday. Bank books are handed to the class teacher in the morning and they are returned to the children via the class teacher.
- Kindergarten students will be given banking information early in Term 1 so they have the opportunity to open a bank account.
- There is a school band which performs at various school functions.
- Is available to students from Years 3-6.
- As an extra-curricula activity, there are associated costs.
- Band lessons are conducted on Tuesdays.
Basic Needs
- All clothing and personal items need to be labelled to aid the return of lost property.
- Como West School hat.
- Como West School bag or similar.
- Raincoat or appropriate wet weather equipment.
- Lunch box.
- Watertight drink bottle.
- Painting smock (long enough to cover clothes completely, long sleeves with elastic at the wrists).
- Library bag.
- Pencils, pens, erasers, coloured pencils, glue stick, scissors, ruler.
- Additional items as requested by the class teachers.
Before and After School Care
- A Before and After School Centre operates in the school grounds.
- Hours of operation are Monday to Friday (during school terms) from 7.00am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 6.00pm.
- Holiday supervision is also available.
- For further details contact the centre during hours of operation on 9589 3893 or leave a message and BASC Coordinator will return your call.
Bicycles and Scooters
- It is recommended that only students from Year 3 on ride bikes to school.
- On reaching the school, the bike is to be walked and secured to the bicycle rack.
- Bikes must also be in a roadworthy condition.
- Scooters will be left in a secure location.
- Children must wear helmets.
Book Club
- The school supports the Ashtons Book Club which has approximately 7 issues a year in 4 different levels.
- Wombat – Pre school – Kindergarten.
- Lucky – children aged 5 to 8 years.
- Arrow – children aged 8 to 10 year.
- Star children aged 10 to 12 years.
- Order forms are distributed to classes for the students to take home.
- To order, forms must be completed by the parent or carer and returned with the money in an envelope, to the class teacher.
- Purchasing books from the club is optional.
- This is not tolerated at CWPS. If you become aware of any issues related to bullying or harassment then contact the school immediately so appropriate actions can be implemented.
- The Como West School Canteen or "Snack Shack" as it has been named by our students, is online! Create your families' account at*
For more information, click on the links below, or contact ‘Our Online canteen' via email or call 1300 484 888
Online Canteen Flyer 1 Online Canteen Flyer 2
For general canteen queries email:
Our menu is updated every term and details of the current menu can be found at:
- There are 3 carnivals a year.
- Swimming held in Term 1 for students 8 years and older at Engadine Leisure Centre.
- Cross Country held in Term 2 at school for students 8 years and older.
- Athletics held in late Term 2 for all students K-6 at Sylvania Athletics Track.
- Stewart House is supported each year. Other charities are supported as selected by the Students.
Children's Safety
- When collecting students after school please be prompt. If delayed please contact the school.
- If parents are late students are asked to come to the office and wait in the foyer.
- Discuss with your child issues relating to ‘Stranger Danger'.
- If there is to be a change in the usual routine, always notify the class teacher in writing.
- Students from Grades 2 to 6 have the opportunity to participate in the school choirs which perform at a variety of functions throughout the year.
Communicable Diseases AND Immunisation
- In an effort to improve childhood immunisation rates the NSW Government has amended The Public Health Act (1991). The Public Health Act requires you to provide documented evidence of the immunisation status of all children enrolling in schools, pre-schools and child-care centres from 1994.
- Parents have the right of choice regarding immunisation, however in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease; non- immunised children will be required to remain at home for the duration of the outbreak.
- Immunisation Certificates can only be issued by:
- Senior Health Surveyor of the Local Council
- Medical Officer of Health-Local Health Unit
- Community Health Staff
- The child's immunisation status will be assessed when the child presents for the school entry booster and an Immunisation Certificate should be issued by the Health Professional at that time.
- If no proof is provided, the child will be presumed as being un-immunised.
Communication Within the School Community
- Weekly School Newsletter.
- P & C news and information part of the school newsletter.
- Formal reporting processes.
- Informal discussions and talks.
- Parent / teacher evenings.
- Formal interviews.- Times can be arranged by contacting the office.
- Written notes or letters to individuals.
- Telephone.
- Email.
- School Sign.
- Website.
Composite or Multi-age Classes
- At times composite classes need to be formed. All classes are in reality composite classes, (mixed age and ability) as teachers group students according to the specific needs and abilities of individual children.
- Staff, cater for individual needs, regardless of the class structure.
Computer Technology
- All students have access to a high performance secure computer network with Internet access.
- Each class has at least 4 computers and a lab has been established in the Library for whole class use.
- Computers are integrated into all KLA areas.
- Access to the internet is via the secure DET portal.
- All students have a unique username and password.
- All students have their own email address accessible from home via the DET portal.
- A School Counsellor attends the school once a week to provide support to students and staff. If parents are concerned about the performance and/or behaviour of their child they may request an interview with the School Counsellor by contacting the class teacher or Principal.
- Parental permission is required prior to your child visiting the Counsellor.
- Dance groups are conducted before school several mornings a week.
- These groups perform at a variety of school functions.
- Lessons are conducted by a professional dance academy and as such have an associated cost.
- Dogs are not to be brought onto the school grounds.
Early Departures
- Refer section Attendance at School.
Emergency Contact
- Parents need to give the name and phone number of a neighbour/friend or relative living in the area or a suburb close by, who is willing to come and collect the child, at short notice in case of emergencies.
- It is essential that the designated person has appropriate transport.
- It is most important that parents inform the school of changes in phone numbers, address, place of work, emergency contacts etc so that our records can be kept up to date.
- All children who reach the age of five years on or before 31st July, may be enrolled at the beginning of theschool year.
- Prior to their enrolment a Full Birth Certificate and an Immunisation Certificate must be produced.
- An Enrolment Application form needs to be completed.
Children transferring to Como West Public School
- Parents who wish to transfer their children from another school and live within the boundary of Como West Public School will be required to complete an enrolment application form only and provide a pupil transfer certificate from the previous school (public school only).
- If ‘out of area', parents must first complete enrolment an application form and enrolment will be considered in reference to the CWPS Enrolment Policy.
Children transferring from Como West Public School
- Parents of children moving from this school to another within the state should contact the office with a view to obtaining a Pupil Transfer Certificate which is to be handed to the school to which they are transferring.
- There are two procedures to be followed depending on the type of threat the school faces:
- Evacuation
- Both types of evacuation procedures are regularly practised.
- During the year it is usual for classes to participate in excursions or in in-school activities to support class programs and the curriculum.
- Overnight excursions are restricted to Stage 3 students.
- Parents will be informed by letter giving all details including cost, method of transport and other organisational information.
- Parents will be requested to return a signed permission note as an acknowledgement that they have received the letter and wish their child to attend or participate.
- It is essential that this permission note is returned and completed fully.
- If there is a cost involved parents should enclose the money in an envelope with the permission note and return it to the class teacher or as directed on the note.
Family Matters
- The school needs to be made aware of major family changes such as illness or separation of parents so the situation can be handled sensitively and appropriate support given.
- Custody issues should be discussed with the Principal.
- All information is treated confidentially.
First Aid
- Minor first aid can be administered by all staff members.
- For serious injuries, parents/emergency contacts will be notified and an ambulance may be sought.
- The P&C have a personal accident policy for all students and this includes ambulance cover.
Head Lice
- Once treated students may return to school.
Health Plans
- For students with high risk health issues eg asthma, anaphylaxis, a health plan must be completed. Contact the Principal for details.
Health Services
- The School Medical Service attends all schools each year for preventative health screening of children.
- Permission from parents is obtained to conduct vision and hearing checks on Kindergarten children and designated grades throughout the school.
- The Child Health Nurse also checks any student about whom a teacher may be concerned as well as students requiring a follow-up from previous reports.
- Parents are notified of concerns the Nurse will advise and/or refer parents to appropriate agencies, where necessary.
- The school has a Homework Policy which is supported by the DET Policy and endorsed by the school community.
- Homework in various forms is set by all teachers.
- Teachers will contact parents if a pattern of non-completion arises.
- Please discuss any homework issues with your child's teacher.
- Parents can arrange interviews with Teachers or the Principal by phoning the school office or contacting the teacher directly to make an appointment.
- Please refrain from ‘door knock' interviews as these are rarely productive.
- Formal interviews are held at the end of Term 2 and as required after reports.
Key Learning Areas (KLA's)
- The school provides a broad ranging curriculum with emphasis on the acquisition of basic skills. Recognising that all children are different, the school endeavours to provide learning experiences which cater for a range of abilities.
- There are six Key Learning Areas (KLA's) in the Primary Curriculum;
- Talking and Listening.
- Reading.
- Writing (including handwriting).
- Working mathematically.
- Number.
- Patterns and Algebra.
- Space.
- Measurement and Data.
Science & Technology
- Built Environments, Information and Communication, Living Things, Physical Phenomena, Products and Services, The Earth and Its Surroundings.
Human Society & its Environment
- Change and Continuity, Cultures, Environments, Social Systems and Structures.
Creative Arts
- Visual Arts.
- Dance.
- Drama.
- Music.
Personal Development, Health, Physical Education
- Active Lifestyles, Personal Health Choices, Safe Living, Interpersonal Relationships, Growth and Development, Games and Sports, Dance, Gymnastics.
Late Arrival
- Refer section ‘Attendance at School'.
- The Librarian is in attendance Monday to Thursday each week.
- Students are required to have a cloth library bag to protect the borrowed books.
Lost Property
- Lost property is held in the Administration Block (Sick Bay).
- Parents are most welcome to look for lost items.
- Clearly labelled clothing and personal items will greatly aid the return of lost items.
- Students are discouraged from bringing expensive or highly valued items, such as electronic toys, to school.
- No responsibility can be taken for theft or damage to these items.
Medicines at School
- For the administration of medicines at school a written request outlining the need for such and the instructions to administer the medicine, needs to be sent to the Principal.
- All medicines, with the exception of ventolin puffers must be taken to the office.
Merit Awards
- Parents are requested to ensure that all money sent to school for excursions, activities, visiting performances, text books, book club, etc. is enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked clearly with the child's name, class and purpose.
- All envelopes containing money must be handed to the class teacher, unless otherwise directed.
- For large amounts a cheque may be more appropriate than cash.
Orientation Days
- Orientation days for the following year Kindergarten students will be held during Term 4.
- High School Orientation Days occur during the year for Year 6 students and their specific High School late in Term 4.
Parent Organisations
- Como West Public School is fortunate to have very supportive parent organisations.
- School Council consists of elected parents, staff and community members. The School Council assists in formulating school policies and procedures.
- Parent & Citiznes Association (P&C) Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm in the Hall.
Sub-committees operating within the school include:
- Fundrasing Committee.
- Canteen Committee.
- Uniform Committee.
- Before & After School Care Committee.
Playground Supervision
- Teacher supervision of the playground is provided before school (8.50am Mon-Thurs and 8.30am Fridays), at recess and at lunch.
- There will be no supervision available to students outside these hours unless students are involved in an organised school activity.
Presentation Assembly
- This assembly is held in the last weeks of Term 4 each year. School, Academic, Sporting and Cultural achievements are recognised.
- Parents are invited to attend.
Public Speaking
- Students participate in the zone public speaking competition in term 3.
- Students have to present an impromptu and a prepared speech.
- Speech duration vary according to the stage.
Reading at Home
- Reading at home is an important part of each child's journey towards literacy.
- Parent encouragement and support for ‘Home Reading' programs and modelling of reading for pleasure cannot be underestimated.
- Decisions relating to the repetition of students will be made as a result of discussion between the Class Teacher, Principal, the School Counsellor and Parents.
- The final decision regarding repetition is made by the parent.
Reports to Parents
- Written reports are forwarded to parents at the end of Term 2 and at the end of Term 4.
- If at any time parents are concerned about their child's progress interviews can be arranged with the class teacher through the office or by contacting the class teacher.
- Teachers are very busy just prior to class and at the end of the day. Unexpected interviews at this time may not result in the most desired outcomes.
Road Safety
- Parents are requested to observe the parking and speed regulations that operate around our school.
- If dropping picking up from a car please remember to park on the school side of the road NOT on the other side of the road and call your child across to the car.
- Teach your child basic road safety, use the Wombat Crossing and set a good example yourself.
- Do not park your car across any driveway, or the Staff car park.
- Students are not to walk through the car park.
School Development Days
- The first day of terms 1, 2 and 3 and the last two days of term 4 are ‘pupil free days' where staff undertakes professional learning programs and term planning activities.
School Photographs
- Students are photographed in their class groups and individually each school year by professional photographers.
- Special group photos may be taken e.g. choir, dance and sporting teams etc.
- Family photos (school children only) can also be arranged.
- Summer uniform is the preferred uniform for photos.
- Parents are under no obligation to purchase photographs.
School Rules
- As a responsible school and community member I will:
- Behave myself in the classroom and playground.
- Show respect, care and consideration for myself, others and the environment.
- Wear the school uniform.
- Play safely and fairly, being in the right place at the right time.
- A Special Religious Education (SRE) program is available at Como West Public School and is run by authorised volunteers of approved religious persuasions. For further details about the specific SRE programs please access the link below. Alternatively, parents may choose for their child not to attend SRE classes.
- Further information
- It is a DET requirement that all school buildings and playgrounds are ‘Smoke Free' zones.
Each child is allocated to a Sporting House upon enrolment and is determined by sibling or age to keep teams as even as possible:
Thorpe - Yellow
Freeman - Red
Bradman - Green- All children are expected to wear the Como West Sports Uniform when taking part in Sporting activities.
- School Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals are conducted each year with the best swimmers and runners representing the school in Zone, Region and State Carnivals.
- Teams may take part in NSWPSSA knockout competitions and gala days.
- We participate in Sutherland Zone PSSA competitions in junior and senior sports, currently Soccer, Netball, Softball, T-Ball and Cricket.
Stages of Learning
- Early Stage One - Kindergarten
- Stage One - Years 1 and 2
- Stage Two - Years 3 and 4
- Stage Three - Years 5 and 6
Student Leadership - Parliamentarians- Instead of School Captains and Prefects, we have a Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and four Ministers.
- Democratic elections are held at the end of each year to determine the student leaders for the following year using recognised election procedures. Students from Year 2 to Year 6 vote.
- Parliamentarians perform specific roles and they coordinate the assemblies.
- Every effort is made to provide leadership opportunities for all students.
Student Welfare
The Student Welfare Policy endeavours to support the social, personal and emotional needs of our students by:- providing a school and classroom that is conducive to learning.
- ensuring a safe and secure environment.
- encouraging appropriate forms of behaviour.
- clearly defining consequences for actions which provides clear expectations for children, teachers and parents and by providing consistency in dealing with breaches of rules.
- Restorative justice practices forms the basis for resolution of welfare issues.?
- At Como West Public School we are committed to the provision of a caring school community concerned for each child's welfare.
- Every teacher has a responsibility for student welfare. The Principal and the School Executive have specific leadership roles for planning, co-ordinating, monitoring and evaluating the student welfare program.
- The School Counsellor and other teachers with special expertise support children, teachers and parents.
- Students receive special awards to reinforce and encourage positive attitudes and behaviour.
Student are required to wear their school hat when involved in outdoor activities.
- If students do not have a hat they have to play in the shade.
- Requests for Text Books are kept to a minimum and then only to support the class/stage program in a curriculum area.
- Early in Term 1 parents will be advised of the Text Book requirements.